


MLOps Platform

  • Enterprise Feature

MLOps platform for maximizing AI engineering efficiency. Manage all aspects of AI development quickly and efficiently.

  • Provides various AI pipeline templates
  • Designed for full compatibility with Backend.AI for optimal performance and cost efficiency
  • Provides drag-and-drop GUI for no-code AI pipeline engineering
  • Organize data and code into packages to make it easier to migrate, manage, and share
  • Provide security for AI model services with automatic tunneling

Backend.AI: MLOps/ From Cluster to Users

  • Pipeline Storage ​for Distributed computing​

    Pipeline design​ specialized in distributed processing, reusability and portability​

  • App Proxy​ for secure container access​

    Proxy server to ​run various apps in distributed and ​secure environments​

  • Storage Proxy​ to reduce network I/O​

    Storage proxy to ​distribute ​data I/O burden​

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Namyoung Bldg. 4F/5F, 34, Seolleung-ro 100-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

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